
Monday, October 21, 2013

*Bloop* Photo Memory!

*Gasp* Double post!! :O I have too much free time and way too much to write! Enjoy this while it lasts, it won't be happening often. ;)

Yesterday someone asked me about my week. I would usually respond "Good" or "Fun" or "Busy", but this time I thought I needed a little more description.

"This week has been amazawesome. It was filled with dinosaurs, sweat, and misspelled medals."

Their eyebrows raised and their eyes widened.


Yep. This is my life.

  I have pictures of every day of the week to help me explain.

Monday: October 14th, Fall Break, Creation Museum.

Even though I've already been to the creation museum when I was seven, it was great to see the structures again, it was almost as if I were seeing an old friend!
Reading interesting articles....

Waiting in line...

Tuesday, October 15th: Soccer with friends and a college soccer game.

Unfortunately the only pictures I have are these to selfies... Or as my friend likes to call them, ussies.

And yes, both of the guys I took selfies with were in college. Yes, I do know them both. These were taken at a restaurant near-by from where we play indoor soccer, this was the only opportunity I got to take pictures.

The college soccer game was rather disappointing. The concessions were so expensive, I couldn't even afford a candy bar!

Oh, and our team lost.

But man, I was hungry.

Wednesday, October 16th: Colored Converse

Wednesdays are my free days so I decided to do the colored Converse DIY.

Thursday, October 17th: Practice. No pictures. :(

Friday, October 18th: Semi-Finals

After a hard, thrilling and spine-chilling game. We won. We're titled State Champions 2013. Or as the medal says "State Chamionship"

On Sunday my youth group had a bonfire, I told my friends about the game and also explained how they spelled "Champion" wrong.

It's funny, it's Indiana homeschool soccer.


We eventually found ourselves singing "We are the chamions, my friends..."

It has been a good week, a rather adventurous one. A week fit for a 'chamion'. ;)


Doodle Notes

I have this silly habit of doodling on the Church bulletins during the service; this week I decided to take notes... With a little twist.

The sermon was mainly pointed to one word, so I decided to play "Guess the Word" with myself...Introvert alert, possibly? ;)

One word, nine letters.

Guessed the word yet? (If you don't want to play look at the first picture)

The word is: SURRENDER.

We surrender ourselves to so many things; one of the main things he listed was fear.

He said a quote from this dude, man, guy. But the side-screen switched before I could write his name, thus, I shall refer to him as 'awesome guy'. Or A.G for short. :)

"Fear only gets loud when you do things that matter." - Awesome Guy. (Aka A.G)

And you're probably wondering why I drew a clown above that quote. Well, he told us to write down our fears, so I did. I am afraid of clowns. Silly, isn't it? I'm afraid of someone who entertains children, I guess their sense of humor never struck me as humorous when I was a child.

They're unpredictable. Just like everyone else on the planet.

Sometimes I fear people, I'm not that good at meeting new people in a room where no one knows my name. I don't know anything about them, their personality, their strengths and weaknesses or their ability to destroy.  I don't know how good they are at keeping friendships, or keeping secrets or rabid raccoons. I don't know how fast they can disappear or how long it will take for them to let go.

I never know.

But maybe there's something terrifying fantastic about that.

Pictures speak more to me than words ever will. Picture notes, people, it's gonna happen.

Because living normal everyday just gets too boring.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

DIY: Colored Converse

I wouldn't really call this  DIY, more of a restyle...But I guess that goes into the DIY category so thus, DIY.

I hope you enjoy this DIYish DIY.

Once upon a time I was bored, so I went to the garage and grabbed my three year old used-to-be-black Converse; I bleached them a few months ago, and it was a creative mistake. Yes, they were pretty 'cool' and 'original' but they were much too bland instead of bold. They weren't exactly 'me'.

I rummaged through my closet and found my old collection of Sharpies. I can imagine you know where this is going already.

I selected my favorite color Sharpies and sampled them on one of the shoes, like a paint sample.

I didn't mind actually drawing on the shoe for a sample, it's supposed to be a little spontaneous.

It came down to these two colors:

The winner was blue. Although I left the pink stripe on the other shoe, just cuz.

I colored and colored and colored.

I added a dash of green to the little ruffle stitches on the star. I like things better a little 'outside the lines'.

After the first shoe was done I decided to go to bed.

Then the mental picture of one shoe done one left out haunted my brain. I tossed and turned but it would not go away.

So, I got up and finished the other shoe.

Today I wore them happily. I touched them up a little to finish it off.

I can't wait to wear these again, they hold many memories and have lived many adventures.

Now the shoe is more colorful, more joyful, more me.

I me-ified my shoe. And I hope that you find this helpful and maybe one day you-ify your own worn-out shoe.


Monday, October 14, 2013

An Eventful Day

Today has been a most eventful day, the adventures are rather..Peculiar.

To start the day off, all of my Health class got our fingers pricked! I found out my blood type, there's only one other girl in my class that has it. O+ Is my blood type, I've always been curious what mine was...And in order to know what we were supposed to do we had to listen to a British man doing commentary, that was the best part.


After I got my finger pricked, you can see the camouflage band-aid I got. BE JELLY ;)

A lot of us were shaking in our shoes, others were all calm about it.

"Yeah sure, I don't care if you stab my finger and squeeze the blood out of me for your experiment."

I wasn't one of them. My friend, Bailey, helped me so much by making this face once the prick was injected through his skin:

And if getting stabbed wasn't enough, one of the moms decided it would be a good idea to play "Bleeding Out" by Imagine Dragons. . . It kinda brightened up the mood, though.

I really made this face the whole class:

But on the upside, we got colorful band-aids! Totally worth it.

And for P.E . . . We had to jog a mile. That was pretty tough. My time was seven minutes and fifty-two seconds...I'm pretty sure it was, anyway. :P

After that we played kick-ball, a game I hadn't played since elementary school...And I'm afraid I'm  not as good as I was last time I played it.

And alas, the last adventure. My Mom had to pick me up late and quite frankly, I don't like being completely alone in an open space, so I was invited to a nine-year-old boys Birthday party by my caring friend.

We had a sword fight, ate cake, found the "Goodest foam axe for shredding skin" and calmed the hyper boys even though our legs were still sore from the running.  Their vocabulary was impeccable, I must say. "Gooder" is a humorous word.

It's nice to act like a kid once in a while. A foam-sword fight couldn't hurt anyone...Unless you actually...You know...Get hurt.

Today has been an eventful day.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dear Friend,

Sometimes my thoughts are too one-on-one for a journal, so instead I write letters.

Last night my wonderful friend in Fargo was telling me about the activities at youth group. I found myself imagining the scenarios if I was there...Later I found myself writing a letter.

Dear Friend,

I adore hearing your stories from youth group; but at the same time...I despise it. Yesterday you told me adventures and my memories of Youth Group haven't left me since.

You tell me about how you hang out with all you friends that I tried to hang out with, but I oh-so-awkwardly failed. I tried again and they started to enjoy my company...But it was too late...I had to depart a few months after.

Sometimes I just want to forget it all. The laughter, the moments, the people... I'm back in Indy. It's not as great as I always perceived it to be. Sometimes you need to move around, shift a little. Living in the same order is pretty boring. To be completely honest I try to view everyday as an adventure but sometimes Indy bores me.

I have to create the adventures, the ones inside my head. Although I live in Indy my mind often wanders off to Minnesota, in youth group, with you. I create little scenarios, I 'photo-shop' myself into your adventures.

Then it hits me.

I don't belong in your stories, I belong in mine. When I imagine myself in your stories they aren't the same, they're not right. You live your adventures and I try (And fail) to live them with you.

I seem to not be content with my little adventures....Why?

Because I've lived much greater.

The ones I lived with you.

Your friend,


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Catch Up

I haven't been posting very often, I apologize. My life has been bombarded with activities...

Soccer, food, the computer and school.

And fangirling, can't forget the fangirling.

Have any of you watched the SECOND trailer for the Hobbit Desolation of Smaug? A-MAZING!! But my computer kept buffering the video so it delayed the fangirling. -__-  I'm seriously super excited for the movie because I read the book after I watched the first movie, if you see a girl with a ponytail and glasses quietly shouting "OH MY GOSH I REMEMBER READING THAT!" in the theater...That might be me...

While I was on the soccer team website looking through photos I found this precious moment:

This is the team that won state last year...Well, some of it, a little more than half of the team.  This is the Genesis United Girl's Team in a nutshell. We don't look that intimidating but if you play us keep in mind that we have never lost, ever.

The last team we played (The picture was taken at Stake'N'Shake after the game) they were getting a little goofy about our 'Nerdy Homeschool Team' but we ended up beating them 7-0.

Rule #1: Never underestimate homeschoolers, they are secretly ninjas.

Also while I was looking through photos I came across this cat:

My brother is so odd...

I made a chocolate shake for the first time. :O It made me very happy. :) And the taste made me jump for joy, I was so hungry...

I have another morning game this weekend...YAY! *Note sarcasm* I hope my lovely brother won't mind making a protein shake for breakfast...Waking up at 6am is a serious work-out, it wears me out so much. I really hope I don't forget my cleats.


I got done early with school today and practiced soccer, I can do a rainbow now. :) And for those of you that don't know what it is, look it up, it's awesome.

One last picture for this post:


Boom. I'm such a hipster.

ADIOUS MUCHACHOS! (Spanish really comes in handy, I can confuse people now)


Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Today I had a far-away soccer game, which means, early rising.

I'm not a morning person, I'm the exact opposite. I usually don't get to see morning, but today I rose before the sun did.

After I was all suited up and ready to go I went outside to wait for my Dad and brother. Despite the cold nipping at my bare calves, being in the presence of life before the dawn was breathtaking. The sky darkened and softly lightened near the horizon.

Unfortunately I don't carry a camera around with me at all times, the best moments aren't able to be caught on camera.

Mist hovered over small rivers and ponds, the chilled air filled the earth. During the car ride I was mesmerized by the beauty.

So mesmerized that I was completely oblivious to the fact that I forgot my cleats.

I don't do mornings.