Soccer, food, the computer and school.
And fangirling, can't forget the fangirling.
Have any of you watched the SECOND trailer for the Hobbit Desolation of Smaug? A-MAZING!! But my computer kept buffering the video so it delayed the fangirling. -__- I'm seriously super excited for the movie because I read the book after I watched the first movie, if you see a girl with a ponytail and glasses quietly shouting "OH MY GOSH I REMEMBER READING THAT!" in the theater...That might be me...
While I was on the soccer team website looking through photos I found this precious moment:
This is the team that won state last year...Well, some of it, a little more than half of the team. This is the Genesis United Girl's Team in a nutshell. We don't look that intimidating but if you play us keep in mind that we have never lost, ever.
The last team we played (The picture was taken at Stake'N'Shake after the game) they were getting a little goofy about our 'Nerdy Homeschool Team' but we ended up beating them 7-0.
Rule #1: Never underestimate homeschoolers, they are secretly ninjas.
Also while I was looking through photos I came across this cat:

My brother is so odd...
I made a chocolate shake for the first time. :O It made me very happy. :) And the taste made me jump for joy, I was so hungry...
I have another morning game this weekend...YAY! *Note sarcasm* I hope my lovely brother won't mind making a protein shake for breakfast...Waking up at 6am is a serious work-out, it wears me out so much. I really hope I don't forget my cleats.
I got done early with school today and practiced soccer, I can do a rainbow now. :) And for those of you that don't know what it is, look it up, it's awesome.
One last picture for this post:
Boom. I'm such a hipster.
ADIOUS MUCHACHOS! (Spanish really comes in handy, I can confuse people now)
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