I hope you enjoy this DIYish DIY.
Once upon a time I was bored, so I went to the garage and grabbed my three year old used-to-be-black Converse; I bleached them a few months ago, and it was a creative mistake. Yes, they were pretty 'cool' and 'original' but they were much too bland instead of bold. They weren't exactly 'me'.
I rummaged through my closet and found my old collection of Sharpies. I can imagine you know where this is going already.
I selected my favorite color Sharpies and sampled them on one of the shoes, like a paint sample.
I didn't mind actually drawing on the shoe for a sample, it's supposed to be a little spontaneous.
It came down to these two colors:
The winner was blue. Although I left the pink stripe on the other shoe, just cuz.
I colored and colored and colored.
I added a dash of green to the little ruffle stitches on the star. I like things better a little 'outside the lines'.
After the first shoe was done I decided to go to bed.
Then the mental picture of one shoe done one left out haunted my brain. I tossed and turned but it would not go away.
So, I got up and finished the other shoe.
Today I wore them happily. I touched them up a little to finish it off.
I can't wait to wear these again, they hold many memories and have lived many adventures.
Now the shoe is more colorful, more joyful, more me.
I me-ified my shoe. And I hope that you find this helpful and maybe one day you-ify your own worn-out shoe.
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