
Friday, November 29, 2013

Water Color

Remember a few days ago when I said drawing would come back?

It came back. In a sorta different, simply complicated way.

But it came back.

And I still like it.

I've had water paints for about forever now. And I finally decided to bring them to some good use.

It cost me three, three, three pages to get this right.

Totally worth it.

Water painting is so much more fun than just coloring with pencil. It's more swift and spunky. Make a mistake? Just cover it up with more paint. And I make a lot of mistakes in drawings so this will come in handy.

I've been wanting to draw this since I saw my childhood favorite movie "Robin Hood" last week. When I was little this was my main movie. Robin Hood was *cough is cough* my future husband. I always looked up to this brave little fox and his partner, Little John. (Okay, hold up a minute. His partner is Little John but he's like, a ten thousand pound bear...I never understood that...)

And of course, no Robin Hood drawing isn't complete until it's topped off with an "Oh-De-Lally"! (Featured on the drawing above because that's just what I do)

Forever escaping to my paints and pencils,


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Lost Desire

Sometimes I get bored.

When I get bored, I do stupid things. {Like sleep on piano benches}

Last night I got bored and did something not-so-stupid. I found an empty sketchbook - it was a miracle that I found a blank one - and decided to draw.

Usually when I draw I aimlessly wave the pencil around hoping it would create something of great artistic ability. But I decided to draw with care; and the fun was raised tremendously. Whenever I would draw something hastily I would be disappointed with the outcome. But, surprisingly, I was slightly satisfied with how this drawing came out.

There comes a time where one's memory of how simply splendorous something can be starts to fade. And when the memory is freshened, boy, is it good.

I guess I just started a journal of art. Art journal, art diary, art book. Whatever you want to call it.

And quite frankly, I like it.

It's odd how even the little things can remind us how rejuvenating life is.

Drawing became this old hobby that was in the past. But now, I think I'll be drawing a little more often. :)

Oh, how wonderful it felt to have the pencil gently dancing across the page. The tension of tracing the led marks with pen. The joy of coloring and adding the finishing touches. And most of all, adding a little signature on the bottom declaring that I have done this, I did something that meant a lot to me, I created something.
Instead of an actual signature, I decided to draw a fox in honor of the pencil fox that was originally drawn on the page but was murdered by the eraser. You will be forever remembered, little fox.

I drew this picture of 'The Bluekele" in honor of my old, dusty, blue ukulele. I haven't played it in months. My fingers can barely find the chords anymore. The strings are incredibly out of tune; even my dogs are scared of the sound.

The ukulele and the drawing have one big thing in common.

They're both coming back. :)

And, in the inside of my new Art-Journal-Thing I decided to declare my artness of the art-journal-thing by writing a little note of my thoughts on the cardboard.

P.S The last l in 'will' is not a b, I promise.

It feels so incredible to do something new for a change.

This, this is good.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Tis the Season!

Tis the season.

Tis the season to eat.

Tis the season to smile.

Tis the season to live.

Alas! It finally is the season where everyone can be happy at the same time!

Oh wait.

Shouldn't that be everyday?

We treat Christmas time like this sacred time were everyone needs to be happy and joyful all the time. Life is perfect along with every strung light-bulb  and snowflake that falls.

But once Christmas is over.


Spell-check is judging me for typing 'blam'.

Well. BLAM. Ptthhsbbsth. Deal with it.


Once Christmas is over everyone goes back to their grumpy faces and store away the masks for next year.

Why can't it be Christmas all year round? Yeah, the lights won't be up and snow won't be falling. But why are we so tight the rest of the year? Why are we so tight living our lives? Why are we so afraid of living?

A friend of mine from Minnesota, let's chit-chat about her for a bit.

One day a lack of contentment blundered over her. Living in a small town wasn't her desire and her job was too bland. She snapped her fingers in wonderment as a brilliant idea sparked in her brain. "I'm gonna live with my cousin in New York City".   So, she talked it over with her cousin. She sold everything she owned and moved to New York. No job, no place to go back to if her plan backfired. She had nothing but her life.

The view from her window.

She has a job now, plenty of friends and a never-ending adventure of living in New York.

On November 11, 2012, an adventure happened.

She still lives there, she's as happy as ever.

'Living' is an understatement. It's not just breathing, it's so, so, much more.

It's trying new things, doing things you're terrible at but enjoying it anyway, striving to beat records and setting goals. It's dreaming and wondering and learning and speaking and feeling and hearing and having your breath taken away by the amount of pure, enjoyable, living.

If we all could live a wondrous life, if we all could love life as it should be loved...

It would be Christmas all year round.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Something Different

This weekend has been quite different to the previous ones.

There was no soccer involved. :O (Okay, maybe a little...)

But, alas, the season has ended. I need to turn in my jersey tomorrow, along with the memories and victories my team had accomplished. We placed #2 in Nationals and #1 in State, now it's time to do our very best and try again next year. The old has gone the new is coming.

Now, back to the actual weekend I planned on writing about before my mind went potato.

I invited a friend over, she needed a ride to a retreat and she decided it would be easier for her to drive herself to my house first.

I practiced soccer outside as I waited for her, I didn't want her to get lost (Which she probably would have ;) ).

As I was juggling something caught my eye, something flashing.

I lifted my head and saw...


A rather old, Superman.

Riding a three-wheeled scooter.

With a flashing belt.

I guess you're never too old to be 'super', being super is a never-ending quality that anyone could accomplish.

Now, I mentioned a retreat, right?

The retreat was marvelously fun and awkward in a not-so-fantastic kinda way.

We had to meet people. *Shudders* Luckily, I was picked by someone else, so I didn't have to pick anyone.  I had to be blind-folded and we played tag, I was the tagger first. I had to listen to this random dude's voice, and we did pretty well.

Then he had to be blind-folded and I had to give directions....And quite frankly, I'm not good at giving directions...

But, we never got tagged, we just went around the room until the time was up....I guess I didn't do too bad. :)

Although I'm not too fond of meeting new people, I broke out of my little fear-shell and talked to some new people; and it was pretty interesting to hear some of their stories.

I've met a lot of people since I moved back to Indy, and their stories are pretty fascinating.

One of my friends, amazingly talented at soccer...

But he barely spends any time at home. He spends his time at the gym or at his Dad's office, his Grandparents take him everywhere. If I wrote a story about him, I'd have him desire to have his Dad as a best friend; to be present at all his games and see his game-winning goals and his victory smile as he makes his team proud.

Now, this is interesting to me...

My best friend before I moved, I thought I knew everything but I only knew a fraction.

She writes stories, amazing stories. She creates movies in her head, she blurts out ideas that pop up and she fits them together like a piece of a puzzle so they all make sense in the end.

I never knew that knowing someone could change perspective on certain things...

There's a lot I don't know.

So much to discover, so much to remember....

It's a job for a Superman - of any age, size, or shape.

Time to get my super-flashy belt on and make a fashion statement and become famous.


I just want to meet a not-so-fictional character.

A job fit for a person with a super-flashy belt.
