
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Soft Pretzels, Lenses, and Meh


This week.

Interesting, to say the least.

My friend and I were having a conversation when all of a sudden a thought took over my brain.

Soft pretzels.

So I wrote this two paragraph thing on how my friend is the soft pretzel to my life. And ended up drawing this.

I mean... He always smells good and he kinda looks like a soft pretzel...

And I also wrote this little word to describe my week so far.

It has been an incredibly interesting week but I have had the sudden desire to do nothing at all.

What really topped this week off was when my glasses broke. Like, actually broke. Not like that one time I was trying to get my sweatshirt off and the stem snapped. They actually....



OKAY, SO, I WAS AT THE GYM. Shooting around and stuff. I left to retrieve my ball and I come back and BANG! A ball hits the side of my head and little bits of plastic that I recognize to be my glasses are lying on the ground. I hear my brother yell "HEY! THAT'S MY SISTER!" as I blink myself back to reality. I pick up the pieces and face an apologetic voice "I'm so sorry, I am so so sorry.". I tell him numerous times that I'm alright and I give him a thumbs up and a bro-fist. My friend, Mattie, grabs my hand and tells me to head to the restroom to clean up some minor cuts on my face. I rip my hand away and charge to the ball I had set for shooting, the net snaps and I smile satisfactory. "Okay, now let's go clean all this blood up." I say, she grabs my hand and leads my blurry vision to the bathroom.


That's basically what happened.

I thought I had only found one lens, but I found the other today in my bag.

And what did I do?

I had some fun with them.

Lenses are pretty cool. A little piece of glass can give you the ability to see the world like never before.

Eyes are so underrated.

I mean, think about it. There are these little orb-things IN YOUR HEAD that make you see things. They give you perspective and colors and art and mountains and grass and smiles and OTHER EYES THAT THEY CAN SOMEHOW COMMUNICATE WITH.

Eyes are cool.


Friday, November 29, 2013

Water Color

Remember a few days ago when I said drawing would come back?

It came back. In a sorta different, simply complicated way.

But it came back.

And I still like it.

I've had water paints for about forever now. And I finally decided to bring them to some good use.

It cost me three, three, three pages to get this right.

Totally worth it.

Water painting is so much more fun than just coloring with pencil. It's more swift and spunky. Make a mistake? Just cover it up with more paint. And I make a lot of mistakes in drawings so this will come in handy.

I've been wanting to draw this since I saw my childhood favorite movie "Robin Hood" last week. When I was little this was my main movie. Robin Hood was *cough is cough* my future husband. I always looked up to this brave little fox and his partner, Little John. (Okay, hold up a minute. His partner is Little John but he's like, a ten thousand pound bear...I never understood that...)

And of course, no Robin Hood drawing isn't complete until it's topped off with an "Oh-De-Lally"! (Featured on the drawing above because that's just what I do)

Forever escaping to my paints and pencils,


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Lost Desire

Sometimes I get bored.

When I get bored, I do stupid things. {Like sleep on piano benches}

Last night I got bored and did something not-so-stupid. I found an empty sketchbook - it was a miracle that I found a blank one - and decided to draw.

Usually when I draw I aimlessly wave the pencil around hoping it would create something of great artistic ability. But I decided to draw with care; and the fun was raised tremendously. Whenever I would draw something hastily I would be disappointed with the outcome. But, surprisingly, I was slightly satisfied with how this drawing came out.

There comes a time where one's memory of how simply splendorous something can be starts to fade. And when the memory is freshened, boy, is it good.

I guess I just started a journal of art. Art journal, art diary, art book. Whatever you want to call it.

And quite frankly, I like it.

It's odd how even the little things can remind us how rejuvenating life is.

Drawing became this old hobby that was in the past. But now, I think I'll be drawing a little more often. :)

Oh, how wonderful it felt to have the pencil gently dancing across the page. The tension of tracing the led marks with pen. The joy of coloring and adding the finishing touches. And most of all, adding a little signature on the bottom declaring that I have done this, I did something that meant a lot to me, I created something.
Instead of an actual signature, I decided to draw a fox in honor of the pencil fox that was originally drawn on the page but was murdered by the eraser. You will be forever remembered, little fox.

I drew this picture of 'The Bluekele" in honor of my old, dusty, blue ukulele. I haven't played it in months. My fingers can barely find the chords anymore. The strings are incredibly out of tune; even my dogs are scared of the sound.

The ukulele and the drawing have one big thing in common.

They're both coming back. :)

And, in the inside of my new Art-Journal-Thing I decided to declare my artness of the art-journal-thing by writing a little note of my thoughts on the cardboard.

P.S The last l in 'will' is not a b, I promise.

It feels so incredible to do something new for a change.

This, this is good.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Tis the Season!

Tis the season.

Tis the season to eat.

Tis the season to smile.

Tis the season to live.

Alas! It finally is the season where everyone can be happy at the same time!

Oh wait.

Shouldn't that be everyday?

We treat Christmas time like this sacred time were everyone needs to be happy and joyful all the time. Life is perfect along with every strung light-bulb  and snowflake that falls.

But once Christmas is over.


Spell-check is judging me for typing 'blam'.

Well. BLAM. Ptthhsbbsth. Deal with it.


Once Christmas is over everyone goes back to their grumpy faces and store away the masks for next year.

Why can't it be Christmas all year round? Yeah, the lights won't be up and snow won't be falling. But why are we so tight the rest of the year? Why are we so tight living our lives? Why are we so afraid of living?

A friend of mine from Minnesota, let's chit-chat about her for a bit.

One day a lack of contentment blundered over her. Living in a small town wasn't her desire and her job was too bland. She snapped her fingers in wonderment as a brilliant idea sparked in her brain. "I'm gonna live with my cousin in New York City".   So, she talked it over with her cousin. She sold everything she owned and moved to New York. No job, no place to go back to if her plan backfired. She had nothing but her life.

The view from her window.

She has a job now, plenty of friends and a never-ending adventure of living in New York.

On November 11, 2012, an adventure happened.

She still lives there, she's as happy as ever.

'Living' is an understatement. It's not just breathing, it's so, so, much more.

It's trying new things, doing things you're terrible at but enjoying it anyway, striving to beat records and setting goals. It's dreaming and wondering and learning and speaking and feeling and hearing and having your breath taken away by the amount of pure, enjoyable, living.

If we all could live a wondrous life, if we all could love life as it should be loved...

It would be Christmas all year round.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Something Different

This weekend has been quite different to the previous ones.

There was no soccer involved. :O (Okay, maybe a little...)

But, alas, the season has ended. I need to turn in my jersey tomorrow, along with the memories and victories my team had accomplished. We placed #2 in Nationals and #1 in State, now it's time to do our very best and try again next year. The old has gone the new is coming.

Now, back to the actual weekend I planned on writing about before my mind went potato.

I invited a friend over, she needed a ride to a retreat and she decided it would be easier for her to drive herself to my house first.

I practiced soccer outside as I waited for her, I didn't want her to get lost (Which she probably would have ;) ).

As I was juggling something caught my eye, something flashing.

I lifted my head and saw...


A rather old, Superman.

Riding a three-wheeled scooter.

With a flashing belt.

I guess you're never too old to be 'super', being super is a never-ending quality that anyone could accomplish.

Now, I mentioned a retreat, right?

The retreat was marvelously fun and awkward in a not-so-fantastic kinda way.

We had to meet people. *Shudders* Luckily, I was picked by someone else, so I didn't have to pick anyone.  I had to be blind-folded and we played tag, I was the tagger first. I had to listen to this random dude's voice, and we did pretty well.

Then he had to be blind-folded and I had to give directions....And quite frankly, I'm not good at giving directions...

But, we never got tagged, we just went around the room until the time was up....I guess I didn't do too bad. :)

Although I'm not too fond of meeting new people, I broke out of my little fear-shell and talked to some new people; and it was pretty interesting to hear some of their stories.

I've met a lot of people since I moved back to Indy, and their stories are pretty fascinating.

One of my friends, amazingly talented at soccer...

But he barely spends any time at home. He spends his time at the gym or at his Dad's office, his Grandparents take him everywhere. If I wrote a story about him, I'd have him desire to have his Dad as a best friend; to be present at all his games and see his game-winning goals and his victory smile as he makes his team proud.

Now, this is interesting to me...

My best friend before I moved, I thought I knew everything but I only knew a fraction.

She writes stories, amazing stories. She creates movies in her head, she blurts out ideas that pop up and she fits them together like a piece of a puzzle so they all make sense in the end.

I never knew that knowing someone could change perspective on certain things...

There's a lot I don't know.

So much to discover, so much to remember....

It's a job for a Superman - of any age, size, or shape.

Time to get my super-flashy belt on and make a fashion statement and become famous.


I just want to meet a not-so-fictional character.

A job fit for a person with a super-flashy belt.


Monday, October 21, 2013

*Bloop* Photo Memory!

*Gasp* Double post!! :O I have too much free time and way too much to write! Enjoy this while it lasts, it won't be happening often. ;)

Yesterday someone asked me about my week. I would usually respond "Good" or "Fun" or "Busy", but this time I thought I needed a little more description.

"This week has been amazawesome. It was filled with dinosaurs, sweat, and misspelled medals."

Their eyebrows raised and their eyes widened.


Yep. This is my life.

  I have pictures of every day of the week to help me explain.

Monday: October 14th, Fall Break, Creation Museum.

Even though I've already been to the creation museum when I was seven, it was great to see the structures again, it was almost as if I were seeing an old friend!
Reading interesting articles....

Waiting in line...

Tuesday, October 15th: Soccer with friends and a college soccer game.

Unfortunately the only pictures I have are these to selfies... Or as my friend likes to call them, ussies.

And yes, both of the guys I took selfies with were in college. Yes, I do know them both. These were taken at a restaurant near-by from where we play indoor soccer, this was the only opportunity I got to take pictures.

The college soccer game was rather disappointing. The concessions were so expensive, I couldn't even afford a candy bar!

Oh, and our team lost.

But man, I was hungry.

Wednesday, October 16th: Colored Converse

Wednesdays are my free days so I decided to do the colored Converse DIY.

Thursday, October 17th: Practice. No pictures. :(

Friday, October 18th: Semi-Finals

After a hard, thrilling and spine-chilling game. We won. We're titled State Champions 2013. Or as the medal says "State Chamionship"

On Sunday my youth group had a bonfire, I told my friends about the game and also explained how they spelled "Champion" wrong.

It's funny, it's Indiana homeschool soccer.


We eventually found ourselves singing "We are the chamions, my friends..."

It has been a good week, a rather adventurous one. A week fit for a 'chamion'. ;)


Doodle Notes

I have this silly habit of doodling on the Church bulletins during the service; this week I decided to take notes... With a little twist.

The sermon was mainly pointed to one word, so I decided to play "Guess the Word" with myself...Introvert alert, possibly? ;)

One word, nine letters.

Guessed the word yet? (If you don't want to play look at the first picture)

The word is: SURRENDER.

We surrender ourselves to so many things; one of the main things he listed was fear.

He said a quote from this dude, man, guy. But the side-screen switched before I could write his name, thus, I shall refer to him as 'awesome guy'. Or A.G for short. :)

"Fear only gets loud when you do things that matter." - Awesome Guy. (Aka A.G)

And you're probably wondering why I drew a clown above that quote. Well, he told us to write down our fears, so I did. I am afraid of clowns. Silly, isn't it? I'm afraid of someone who entertains children, I guess their sense of humor never struck me as humorous when I was a child.

They're unpredictable. Just like everyone else on the planet.

Sometimes I fear people, I'm not that good at meeting new people in a room where no one knows my name. I don't know anything about them, their personality, their strengths and weaknesses or their ability to destroy.  I don't know how good they are at keeping friendships, or keeping secrets or rabid raccoons. I don't know how fast they can disappear or how long it will take for them to let go.

I never know.

But maybe there's something terrifying fantastic about that.

Pictures speak more to me than words ever will. Picture notes, people, it's gonna happen.

Because living normal everyday just gets too boring.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

DIY: Colored Converse

I wouldn't really call this  DIY, more of a restyle...But I guess that goes into the DIY category so thus, DIY.

I hope you enjoy this DIYish DIY.

Once upon a time I was bored, so I went to the garage and grabbed my three year old used-to-be-black Converse; I bleached them a few months ago, and it was a creative mistake. Yes, they were pretty 'cool' and 'original' but they were much too bland instead of bold. They weren't exactly 'me'.

I rummaged through my closet and found my old collection of Sharpies. I can imagine you know where this is going already.

I selected my favorite color Sharpies and sampled them on one of the shoes, like a paint sample.

I didn't mind actually drawing on the shoe for a sample, it's supposed to be a little spontaneous.

It came down to these two colors:

The winner was blue. Although I left the pink stripe on the other shoe, just cuz.

I colored and colored and colored.

I added a dash of green to the little ruffle stitches on the star. I like things better a little 'outside the lines'.

After the first shoe was done I decided to go to bed.

Then the mental picture of one shoe done one left out haunted my brain. I tossed and turned but it would not go away.

So, I got up and finished the other shoe.

Today I wore them happily. I touched them up a little to finish it off.

I can't wait to wear these again, they hold many memories and have lived many adventures.

Now the shoe is more colorful, more joyful, more me.

I me-ified my shoe. And I hope that you find this helpful and maybe one day you-ify your own worn-out shoe.


Monday, October 14, 2013

An Eventful Day

Today has been a most eventful day, the adventures are rather..Peculiar.

To start the day off, all of my Health class got our fingers pricked! I found out my blood type, there's only one other girl in my class that has it. O+ Is my blood type, I've always been curious what mine was...And in order to know what we were supposed to do we had to listen to a British man doing commentary, that was the best part.


After I got my finger pricked, you can see the camouflage band-aid I got. BE JELLY ;)

A lot of us were shaking in our shoes, others were all calm about it.

"Yeah sure, I don't care if you stab my finger and squeeze the blood out of me for your experiment."

I wasn't one of them. My friend, Bailey, helped me so much by making this face once the prick was injected through his skin:

And if getting stabbed wasn't enough, one of the moms decided it would be a good idea to play "Bleeding Out" by Imagine Dragons. . . It kinda brightened up the mood, though.

I really made this face the whole class:

But on the upside, we got colorful band-aids! Totally worth it.

And for P.E . . . We had to jog a mile. That was pretty tough. My time was seven minutes and fifty-two seconds...I'm pretty sure it was, anyway. :P

After that we played kick-ball, a game I hadn't played since elementary school...And I'm afraid I'm  not as good as I was last time I played it.

And alas, the last adventure. My Mom had to pick me up late and quite frankly, I don't like being completely alone in an open space, so I was invited to a nine-year-old boys Birthday party by my caring friend.

We had a sword fight, ate cake, found the "Goodest foam axe for shredding skin" and calmed the hyper boys even though our legs were still sore from the running.  Their vocabulary was impeccable, I must say. "Gooder" is a humorous word.

It's nice to act like a kid once in a while. A foam-sword fight couldn't hurt anyone...Unless you actually...You know...Get hurt.

Today has been an eventful day.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dear Friend,

Sometimes my thoughts are too one-on-one for a journal, so instead I write letters.

Last night my wonderful friend in Fargo was telling me about the activities at youth group. I found myself imagining the scenarios if I was there...Later I found myself writing a letter.

Dear Friend,

I adore hearing your stories from youth group; but at the same time...I despise it. Yesterday you told me adventures and my memories of Youth Group haven't left me since.

You tell me about how you hang out with all you friends that I tried to hang out with, but I oh-so-awkwardly failed. I tried again and they started to enjoy my company...But it was too late...I had to depart a few months after.

Sometimes I just want to forget it all. The laughter, the moments, the people... I'm back in Indy. It's not as great as I always perceived it to be. Sometimes you need to move around, shift a little. Living in the same order is pretty boring. To be completely honest I try to view everyday as an adventure but sometimes Indy bores me.

I have to create the adventures, the ones inside my head. Although I live in Indy my mind often wanders off to Minnesota, in youth group, with you. I create little scenarios, I 'photo-shop' myself into your adventures.

Then it hits me.

I don't belong in your stories, I belong in mine. When I imagine myself in your stories they aren't the same, they're not right. You live your adventures and I try (And fail) to live them with you.

I seem to not be content with my little adventures....Why?

Because I've lived much greater.

The ones I lived with you.

Your friend,


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Catch Up

I haven't been posting very often, I apologize. My life has been bombarded with activities...

Soccer, food, the computer and school.

And fangirling, can't forget the fangirling.

Have any of you watched the SECOND trailer for the Hobbit Desolation of Smaug? A-MAZING!! But my computer kept buffering the video so it delayed the fangirling. -__-  I'm seriously super excited for the movie because I read the book after I watched the first movie, if you see a girl with a ponytail and glasses quietly shouting "OH MY GOSH I REMEMBER READING THAT!" in the theater...That might be me...

While I was on the soccer team website looking through photos I found this precious moment:

This is the team that won state last year...Well, some of it, a little more than half of the team.  This is the Genesis United Girl's Team in a nutshell. We don't look that intimidating but if you play us keep in mind that we have never lost, ever.

The last team we played (The picture was taken at Stake'N'Shake after the game) they were getting a little goofy about our 'Nerdy Homeschool Team' but we ended up beating them 7-0.

Rule #1: Never underestimate homeschoolers, they are secretly ninjas.

Also while I was looking through photos I came across this cat:

My brother is so odd...

I made a chocolate shake for the first time. :O It made me very happy. :) And the taste made me jump for joy, I was so hungry...

I have another morning game this weekend...YAY! *Note sarcasm* I hope my lovely brother won't mind making a protein shake for breakfast...Waking up at 6am is a serious work-out, it wears me out so much. I really hope I don't forget my cleats.


I got done early with school today and practiced soccer, I can do a rainbow now. :) And for those of you that don't know what it is, look it up, it's awesome.

One last picture for this post:


Boom. I'm such a hipster.

ADIOUS MUCHACHOS! (Spanish really comes in handy, I can confuse people now)


Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Today I had a far-away soccer game, which means, early rising.

I'm not a morning person, I'm the exact opposite. I usually don't get to see morning, but today I rose before the sun did.

After I was all suited up and ready to go I went outside to wait for my Dad and brother. Despite the cold nipping at my bare calves, being in the presence of life before the dawn was breathtaking. The sky darkened and softly lightened near the horizon.

Unfortunately I don't carry a camera around with me at all times, the best moments aren't able to be caught on camera.

Mist hovered over small rivers and ponds, the chilled air filled the earth. During the car ride I was mesmerized by the beauty.

So mesmerized that I was completely oblivious to the fact that I forgot my cleats.

I don't do mornings.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Tropophobia- Fear of moving or making changes.
This is what I do with my free time, I look up phobias. Don't judge yo. As I was scrolling through the list there were many reactions; I was either amused, disturbed, or I related to them... Only this one related to me that wasn't a 'common sense fear', aka the fear of chainsaws. Moving was a terrifying experience to me, a million thoughts went through my head. Will they like me? What are they like? Is there going to be opportunities there? Will my old friends forget about me? Will I be able to keep my friendships? Will I be able to build friendships? Moving is hard, no doubt about it, it transforms you. Now, planning on going away from where you grew up to permanently live somewhere you've never been before is terrifying, absolutely terrifying. I always knew one of my friends would move...I never thought it would be me. Even though the experience of moving to Minnesota was scary at first, I molded into it. Matter of fact, when my Dad said we were moving my heart sunk, of course, he didn't specify where. My first thought was: AGAIN?! Change scares me, moving is not a walk in the park. Now, the mere sound of ripping tape makes me cringe, I despise it. Like Adrian Monk would say... "There's an old saying...Never change, ever." "That's an old saying?" "I've been saying it for years." Boom. I've always wanted to use that reference but no one would get it because Monk hasn't aired an episode since 2006...I think... ANYWHOOZLE. There is no doubt, I definitely have Tropophobia. I like adventures, yes, but as long as I can come back to my comforting home. I don't get homesick easily because I know it will always be there. But what scares me is when it's gone.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Heaven To Me

Breathing is heavy, uneven, fast-paced. Heart pounding, feet shuffling. The whistle blows and the sound of bodies hitting the hard, cold, unforgiving ground fill the air. We all rise up simultaneously and our feet shuffle again. The dark, billowy clouds of heaven float above us, sending reminders to us, that we are not alone during out trials, during out pains, during our rough-patches. They remind us to endure, to persevere, to do all that we do for the Glory of God.

Hebrews 10:36
 - You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

Sweat gathers on our bodies as we push ourselves harder; small raindrops falling on our shoulders. Our bodies hit the ground at the whistle and we stumble our way back up. The lavender-tinted sky peaks through the clouds, reminding us of His power. We stumble and fall, but by the grace of God we are able to make it back up, it may be hard, tiring and painful, but we can and will make it if we persevere.

The whistle blows twice and we all collapse together as a team, our sweaty, aching, bodies stagger their way the beloved and well-needed water. The glorious waterfall of cold, hydrating, substance pours down my throat sending energy to my body. I take my scuffed up cleats, sweaty socks and my forever-stinky shinguards off. I make my way home not regretting a single thing coach made us do.

When we stopped I almost wanted to do more, it was an exhilarating feeling, it's the feeling of knowing you did something to make you a better person, or, player, in this case. Once you start you just can't get enough.

Though my legs were aching and my body was covered in sweat, I regret nothing due to the feeling that I came homing knowing that I had persevered, I tried my hardest and was willing to give more.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Forgetting, It Happens.

Did I ever tell you about the time I found one of my friends in my basement?

That's a funny story, I should tell it to you sometime.

School started...Yay. *Makes pouty face and squints eyes*

In Science I learned about the Moon, elementary, I know, but hey, we forget things...

I wonder if the Moon is offended that we don't visit it anymore...Sorry, would if I could.

Today I listened to possibly the most depressing song ever. :( It reminds me of the time I moved to Minnesota, and also the time I left Minnesota for the place of my dreams.

The smallest things remind me of what life was like before, during, and after the move. When I play soccer it reminds me of the joyous times I played pick-up soccer games with mostly college/highschool guys, I miss those goofs.

Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE it here in Indy, hence the bold text, italicized, AND the underlining. (That means it's pretty intense) But I miss the memories in Minnesota, even the plain-ness of the area, there was something unique about it. It was almost mysterious, almost. It was almost pleasing to live there, almost.
It was only almost there. The right person will see it fully there.

I guess I'm just not that type of person.

I tried really hard not to like it there. I wouldn't accept the fact that I was turning into a true Minnesotan. People say I have the accent, I mourn when I hear that.

"So little to remember, so much to forget."

But here's the thing...

I still remember it.

I remember everything.

The sadness, the happiness, the jokes, the laughs, the memories.

I remember it all.

It left a mark on me, almost permanent, almost.

"I'm a better man than I was before, knowing you has made me strong.

I sure am gonna miss you when I'm gone."

I dreaded saying goodbye, not only to the people, but the memories that were held there. They'll soon vanish, they'll be forgotten. It will be like I never even took a breath there, just like I always wished. People forget, they always do, always will.

My good friend, Seth, let's talk about him for a bit.

I met him two days before I moved to Minnesota. I didn't contact him within the two years I was gone; but every time I visited, he came up to me with a smile and embraced me in a hug. I only saw him twice within those two years, but he never forgot me.

Now I'm back, we still talk, we're good friends.

Here's what stands out to me:

I only met him two days before I moved, I hung out with him for two hours.  One of my best friends that I've known since 3rd grade didn't know my name. I've lost friendships in Indiana from the move, many of them I've known for more than a year, I knew Seth for two hours.

Remembering is a rare thing, half the people I know in Minnesota I can't contact, I have no hold of them. It's like there's a rope but only one person is holding on, and I have no idea which one it is.

I try to believe it's not me, but sometimes I can't help but think maybe I am grasping on to the little bit of Minnesota I can't have.

No matter how much I want to forget it, something is almost holding on, almost.

One thing I can't forget is how much it changed me, it made me who I am. I think when I moved I found myself.

So if someone thinks I've changed after I moved back to Indiana, I changed into me, the real me.

This is who I am.

Friday, August 23, 2013

New Season, New Jerseys

As I was reading my dear friend's blog Paper Raindrops I realized that I haven't posted in 21 one days! :O Oops...


In news of my life...


I made the team! :)

Don't mind my un-made bed and my closet...

Do people actually make their beds in the morning or is that just a myth?


It's officially safe to say I play for Genesis United now. :) Although I have already subbed for the Girl's game because they didn't have enough players I wasn't on the team yet. Junior Varsity is full so I asked if I could be on the Girl's team, I gave them the papers and they gave me the jerseys.

I must say, the hardest part about joining the team has been not being able to eat Oreos until after practice. But other than that it's been an amazing experience so far.

This is the first actual competitive team I've been on. I've been on a 'just for fun' team three other times when I was younger but this is definitely new. I actually have to try! *Gasps* ;) Last year the Girl's team won state so it's pretty intense.

Oh, and if you happen to see '#44' scribbled somewhere, that may have been me. ;)

I need to start practicing, that's for sure.

Good-bye afternoon Oreos, I'll miss you.


Friday, August 2, 2013

Oh Joy to The Missing Socks

As I was unpacking a box I found a treasure.

I found my missing sock. It was protecting a spiral-paper-holder-thingy. I completely forgot about it up until that point, and I must say...I missed it quite a bit. I paired the lonely sock up immediately with it's match, they're happy now.

I think most of the time God is the 'Missing sock' in our lives. We don't pay attention to it until we need it. We don't realize how long it's been missing until we want to wear it. We don't seek God until we need desperately need Him. Truth is, we always need God; we're nothing on our own. And, similar to that, we also need socks. But sometimes we replace socks with sandals, like we replace God with material things. Or we just get another sock, like how we seek other things for help.

And the crazy thing is, God is OK with that. He doesn't cut us off from Him. Usually, He puts something in our lives to realize exactly how much we need Him. He keeps saving us though we fail Him every day. He keeps our hearts alive though we search for substitutes.

Now, it's okay to have missing socks, I have thousands of them...I think I do, anyway. But don't forget, God's always there, even when your socks aren't.

It's amazing how the little things in life can change your point of view.

Just like missing socks.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cruising Around Town

Last week I called up some of my friends.

 "Hey, wanna go to Walgreens and buy ice cream then eat it in the Church parking lot?"


Weeellll....It might have not gone exactly like that...

My four friends and I met at Walgreens with our bikes, my friend Jenna and I brought our skateboards. We talked about hobos and discussed where we were going to go from there. We decided to go to Burger King which was a block away, but because of construction we took a LOOOONG detour; and we went past a closed road, but we're alive so it's all good.   After boarding/running (You can't board on those bumpy roads) for around ten minutes (which could have been a two minute walk) we finally arrived at Burger King.  We found an abandon crown from a kid's meal, I fished it out from under the table and placed it on my head. I felt so special. ^_^

After a lot of laughter, stealing french-fries and multiple corny jokes later we decided to hit the soccer fields. We went a few blocks and arrived at the fields, our last destination. I brought the soccer ball out and next thing I know we're playing Monkey-In-The-Middle with five people, we got confused with the rules and resorted to chucking the soccer ball at each other...That wasn't my idea for the record. ;) Once it started to get late we just chilled out on the grass and talked. My mother arrived and I said good-bye to some very good friends.

"Til' next time."

I'll miss those goofs.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lakes, Ceilings and Snails

The past few weeks were spent in the wonderful State of Indiana. As soon as I entered my house I was engulfed with familiarity. Although I had only been gone from it for two weeks, my childhood burst through. I spent practically my whole life there. Every single memory of me was held inside that house.

Now, the house isn't the only thing that strikes me with memories. The people, the places and the sights do too. My youth group had an event. A Girl's Night. A day where we could stuff our faces, get to know each other, and stay up all night talking about nothing at all. That day was definitely an adventure.

Although it rained and we had to cancel some of our plans we still made up for most of it in the morning.  And to remember this day...

*BLOOP* Photo memory!

Chilling before bed.
My friend found this little guy. Isn't he adorable?
By the next morning I could say: "I washed my hair in a stranger's lake"...This is partially true, I never met the owner of the property we stayed at before I came. But I got to know her by the end of the night. I filled water balloons that we never used due to the rain, I held a snail, ate lots of food and regained friendships with old friends.

That day was certainly an adventure.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Life Of A Homeschooler

I have much flexibility being a homeschooler. I can go to the mall with friends during school hours, go on a vacation any time of the month, and my favorite is doing my homework outside.

Today I did my math outside in our fort, my dog soon joined. Bugs and a slight breeze accompanied me while I was doing my most important subject. It was pretty relaxing for doing something as complicated as math. Besides the time my pencil fell in between the wooden floor boards.

She eventually had enough Math...Sorry, Daisy.

Fresh air mixed with complicated conclusions.
She made sure I was okay before leaving. How sweet.
Bugs joined, but scurried away at the sight of a camera.

See that yellow thing? That's my pencil..Luckily I brought another one.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Humans...There's Something About Them...

"I know I'm supposed to hate humans, but there's something about them; they create, they discover. Just look at what they do with food!"

~Remy from Ratatouille

Humans. They're everywhere. Unique individuals fill the earth.

If you ever come to my house you might find me looking at pictures of people. I have a whole board on Pinterest. (Follow me, if you dare.)

They're all unique, in their own little ways. I enjoy viewing people because I have the freedom to create their personalities. My personalities may not be accurate, but it's still fun to 'create' people.

Look at the human eye. Colorful, speckled, unique.

Look at human fingers. Skinny, chubby, long, short, unique.

Look at the human face. Freckled, wrinkled, pimpled, unique.

When people hear 'Discover' I believe they most often think of discovering something BIG, or discovering why hiccups cause you to burp. But actually, it doesn't have to be big, you can discover anything. "Just look at what they do with food."

At the age of eight I discovered that pickles taste good with tuna. I also discovered that many people think my taste-buds are weird. Later I discovered that my taste-buds get offended easily. (Sorry little buddies)

You don't have to be distinctly unique to be unique. You don't need a pet chameleon, you don't need mutated eyes, you just need to be yourself to be unique. Even twins are unique.

I met a pair of twins when I lived in Minnesota, Samuel and Jordan. When you first see them you think that they look a lot alike, but once you get to know them you can easily tell the difference between the two. Samuel is a more down-to-earth person, Jordan is a more of a "What's up, dawg?" and an outgoing persona.

One thing I find unique about Samuel is that he has one brown speckle in one of his eyes. One thing I find unique about Jordan is that he has a double-jointed foot.

There's different ways to be unique other than double-jointedness. Humans fascinate me, that's something unique about myself. I like hobbits, pickles and the smell after it rains, you could call any of those things unique. Just look in the mirror. You are unique, we all are.

I enjoy long car-rides and watching the people pass. Some are cranky, some are laughing. Some are texting others are fully paying attention to the road. They're all different. People are unique, sometimes you just have to search for it.
